These are some of the hikes that I have been on around Las Vegas.
Brownstone Canyon This has one of the best collections of Native American pictographs and petroglyphs to be found anywhere in the Las Vegas area.
7-8 Miles
Fortress Butte This is located near the Arizona Hot Springs in the Lake Mead Recreational area.
7 Miles
Arizona Hot Springs This one of the crown jewels of hot springs of Lake Mead. With three to four pools ranging in temperatures from really hot to bath water, it can't be beat.
5-7 Miles
Anniversary Narrows This is an amazing narrows and an interesting hike to get there.
8 Miles
Mt. Charleston via Airplane Gully This is a challenging route to the peak where you get to see the plane parts from the CIA plane that crashed in 1954.
11 Miles
Sloan Canyon Walk among ancient volcanoes and view one of the most dense collections of petroglyphs in the Las Vegas area.
4 miles
Fern Canyon This is one of the most lush canyons in Red Rock as it always seems to have water.
5 miles
Terrace Canyon Located in the Pine Creek area this is a unique canyon that is most impressive when there is some water running through it.
8 miles
Queho's Cave
Queho was Nevada's first serial killer and this cave is where he was found in the 1940's long after he was suspected to be dead.
2 miles
Kraft Mountain Loop
This hike starts out with a good cardio burn up Hell Hill and then offers some easy scrambling as you work your way down Gateway Canyon.
3 miles
Kraft Mountain Loop
This hike starts out with a good cardio burn up Hell Hill and then offers some easy scrambling as you work your way down Gateway Canyon.
3 miles
Tier 1 (easy)
Tier 1 hikes are easy in that they are all trail and not very long.
Tier 2 (moderate)
Tier 2 hikes are moderate in that they are mostly all trail with some basic scrambling and not very long.
Tier 3 (strenuous)
Tier 3 hikes are strenuous and typically involve some scrambling that requires some advanced skills.
Tier 4 (difficult)
Tier 4 hikes are difficult and typically involve a lot of scrambling that requires advanced skills. There is likely exposure on a tier 4 hike.
Tier 5 (very difficult)
Tier 5 hikes are strenuous and very difficult and require one to be in very good physical shape.